Scene Analysis
Scene Analysis The Woman In Black train scene: Sequence 1: 0:00-0:16 This sequence begins with a medium shot that shows the woman and young boy getting off the train which establishes instantly the location in which this is set. It then becomes a wide shot which indicates the environment around them which is very dark and the train station is clearly desolate which fits in well with the genre conventions of a horror movie. It then switches to the entrance of the main character (played by Daniel Radcliffe) and as his entrance is displayed in another medium shot, he is positioned slightly to the left of centre which is following the law of thirds. The screen then changes to a close up of the son and we as an audience can see the pure excitement this young boy is feeling to finally see his father again. We then see the two characters running towards one another and finally a close up of them embracing, showing and focusing on the fath...