
Theory Table

Theory Summary Levi-Strauss-  Structuralism is the study of the hidden rules that govern a structure.  Levi-Strauss thought that the human mind could be investigated by studying the fundamental structure underlying myths and fables from around the world (which he saw as one unitary system). He developed the idea of the ‘binary opposition’ – that the system of myths and fables was ruled by a structure of opposing terms, e.g. hot-cold, male-female, culture-nature, raw-cooked.  Many writers have analysed media products using the idea of the binary opposition, but seeing the overall system as ‘ideology’ rather than ‘human consciousness’. Homeland Application Homeland: Insiders v Outsiders; Al Qaeda v US; Cruelty v Bureaucracy Opening shots of the prison in Bagdad vs the smart office setting in the US. The streets in Bagdad that are busy, uncontrolled and dangerous vs the calm, clean and organised streets in the US. Methods of torture in the flashback scenes with Brody in comp...

Media Magazine

Username: BodminMedia Password: mediarocks

Scene Analysis

 Scene Analysis The Woman In Black train scene: Sequence 1:  0:00-0:16 This sequence begins with a medium shot that shows the woman and young boy getting off the train which establishes instantly the location in which this is set. It then becomes a wide shot which indicates the environment around them which is very dark and the train station is clearly desolate which fits in well with the genre conventions of a horror movie. It then switches to the entrance of the main character (played by Daniel Radcliffe) and as his entrance is displayed in another medium shot, he is positioned slightly to the left of centre which is following the law of thirds. The screen then changes to a close up of the son and we as an audience can see the pure excitement this young boy is feeling to finally see his father again. We then see the two characters running towards one another and finally a close up of them embracing, showing and focusing on the fath...

Final Products

My band's homepage is on this link: This is my album cover and background:     This is the social media post: Here is the tour poster: WWW: The back of my album had everything that was needed and everything was easy to read. Also, the simplicity worked well. EBI: I should have made a brighter font on my products except for the back cover, so maybe consistently had a white font. I should also have made more of a link of the album design on my website because I made the font and the colour scheme and pictures different.

Skills Development

 Friday 9th September 2022 LO: To research, plan and produce a product in response to a brief Band Name: I have decided to name my band 'The Broken Puppets', with the idea in mind of creating a dark and alternative style of music with unique and creepy sounding songs. I had the idea of creating an album called Pulling Strings, which could have many different links and meanings, and the cover will be a bleeding heart that is partly cracked and clearly very broken being attached to some strings, however you can see that controlling the strings is a puppet itself which is ironic as normally the puppet would be the one being controlled. I think that the dark and decrepit puppet controlling the heart is an idea that people who listen to alternative music would find intriguing. Genre conventions: My band is going to be an alternative band with three members, one of which is a singer and the other two are going to be instrument players. For the style of clothing that would be worn, I ...